
VTone – Logan, UtahVTone is a cutting-edge vaginal rejuvenation technology that offers a non-invasive solution to strengthen and rehabilitate weak pelvic floor muscles. This innovative treatment utilizes Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) using a specialized applicator gently inserted into the vaginal canal. The applicator emits waves that effectively stimulate and contract the muscles in the pelvic…


FormaV – Logan, UtahFormaV is a cutting-edge, non-invasive cosmetic procedure that harnesses advanced radiofrequency technology to enhance the appearance and functionality of intimate areas. This innovative treatment has gained immense popularity at Ascent Aesthetics in Logan, Utah, for its remarkable benefits and impressive results. FormaV is a treatment that uses controlled radiofrequency energy to boost…


O-Shot Services in Logan, Utah The O-shot is also known as the Orgasm Shot®. These injections assist with sexual health and wellness. The O-Shot is for females. The O-shot utilizes Growth Factors to resolve issues pertaining to stamina, comfort, and successful intimacy. The Orgasm Shot® is used to: Increase clitoral sensation in order to experience…